Refund policy
Refund Policy:
"Thank you for choosing to enroll in online learning
courses with Math Vai. We greatly appreciate your preference for our
educational offerings and strive to ensure your learning experience, from
exploration to enrollment, is rewarding.
In the event that there is an issue with an online learning
course you've enrolled in through Math Vai or if you're unsatisfied with it,
please note that we do not offer refunds.
At Math Vai, we are dedicated to delivering top-notch
educational content and adhere to specific policies that prioritize
transparency, efficiency, and exceptional customer care.
We want to clarify that we do not accept returns for any
online courses that have been enrolled in. Additionally, we do not provide
refunds for any course enrollments, whether they were made online or in other
Math Vai does not promote course exchanges as part of our
১/ কোন কোর্সই রিফান্ডেবল না।
২/ আমাদের শর্ত ভংগ করার কারণে যদি কারও একাউন্ট ব্যানড হয় তাহলেও রিফান্ড পাবেনা।
৩/ কোর্স পরিবর্তন করে
অন্য কোর্সে এনরোল করারও সুযোগ নেই।